I just got another response to my CL post. Its a personal trainer in Ventura who wants a basic website. So that's a website, and a logo so far... its weird how I just got spam when i first posted... now I'm getting actual people. i actually got 3 responses but the 3rd one never replied to me. o well.. i like these 2 clients for right now. Can't wait to have enough to actually make a portfolio worth looking at.
so we're going Colorado in September. we figured we'd go to Missouri too while we're close.. and Renee's birthday is on the 16th so that's like perfect... Tim gets like 2 1/2 weeks off so we were thinking of flying to Missouri.. staying like 4 days and then flying or driving to Colorado and then flying home from there. but g's tickets are expensive..
I finished the twilight series yesterday. i started my sister's keeper. its pretty good so far but I'm only in the beginning. I want to read more but my eyes are fried. been like that for a a few days... sore everything, headache, and the heaviest eyes in the world.. urg. after that i am gonna start the sookie stackhouse series.. its what the tv series True Blood is based off of. And then pride and prejudice and zombies.
this is the prettiest ring in my world.. look at it! look at it! i want it :} its amazing...
and these are pretty too: