Part Romantic Kisser |
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Part Expert Kisser |
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i woke up this morning and my mom was yelling. it was weird.. ever wake up to someone yelling? its creepy.. cuz you dont really know how long theyve been yelling or why.. and she's going on and on about how i dont do what she says and how i sleep in all the time and dont do anything around the house... the last thing she said was get upin 15 minutes. i looked at the clock and it was 8. and so i got up... but it was stupid cuz i do do things around the house.. and i havent been sleeping in at all.. except yesterday i really slept in late but she didnt even know about that because she wasnt even home. but anyways i took a shower and got ready and left a message on talyas cell. she said she'd take me to coc today. but i figured itd be a while till she was out of school so i decided to rearrange my room cuz ive been wanting to do that for a while.. and then it got hot so i went to eat breakfast... and im watching tv and eating and my mom comes in and all morning.. ALL MORNING... every time i passed her.. she would start yelling about something i did wrong.. and thats alot of times cuz the shower is in her room and i was getting ready in her room... so all morning i was just listening to her yell and trying to just tune her out. so im trying to relax and eat breakfast and by this time shes driving me crazy and she come in and throws a piece of paper in my face and its how much i owe her for the phone bill. and then she starts complaining about the same stuff shed been complaining about all morning.. and just.. i would answer her and she would go out of her way to bring up more stuff that wasnt even relevant to anything and she'd just go on and on.. she asked what i was planning to do the rest of the day.. i told her that talya was going to pick me up to go to coc.. and she started shaking her head and telling me i hadnt done what she asked but i had and then she said I "half assed" everything and i dont know i finally just got up and started walking up stairs and she's going on and on and i dunno how it came up but she threw some stuff i told her in my face so i decided to throw stuff i knew about her in her face and she just started taunting me and she wouldnt stop and i dont know... i didnt know what to do cuz i couldnt walk away and i couldnt ask her to leave or anything.. i just started screaming into my hands. and i dunno it got pretty messy... and she left and i was just in my room for a while.. and then the phone rang and it's christi my moms friend... and i didnt know what she was gonna say but i figured it was something like "you need to repect ur mother blah blah blah" but she said that my momcalled her and told her that she hadnt taken her med's in a week or something.. and that its all her fault. and its not fair. cuz this happens all the time... she freaks out and we go crazy and even more crazy when im on my period.. and i am.. and then "oh im so sorry forgive me".. when it all could have been prevented... i hate it. alll week she's been like this and i knew it was something. victoria walker or someone even asked me on sunday if something was wrong with my mom cuz shed been acting weird. I feel like i have ulcers throughout my body.. bleh. gah.. alll week...
its almost 1 right now.. im gonna try talya again and go to coc. if not i'll just take a bus. yay for that. oi. my grama's coming to visit. thats cool cuz i miss her. miss my cousins too.
nothing else to say really..
woot.. that just made my day. evans gf kristen sent me a message on myspace saying that theyre planning a camping trip in september for all the guys in seans band and their gf's and such. woot. thatd be so fun! i really doubt i could go cuz my mom is a nazi but its the thought that counts:)... and its kinda nice to feel like i'm a part of something.. dude, i miss sean.
huh.. hope im supposed to know that...
k, bye.
yeah. riiiiight. BUT! its fun to pretend :)