Uhg.. I think I might have this job but I am debating whether that is actually a good thing.. the interviewer seems a bit intense.. which.. is fine.. but the thing is.. actually applying to this job is becoming a little excessive.. everything is so redundant.. I've filled out the same form at least 5 times.. its like seriously.. and tests.. a math and language test.. not once.. 2 each... plus the projects to even get an interview.. its like.. cmon.. jsut give me the damn job.. and even all that i can deal with but then.. you have to get a finger print i dont even know what it is.. its like this thing called live scan and it costs like $100! and they don't even pay for it. you get it back after a year.. more than a year.. the first december after a year. and not only that but i have to pay to get my medical records. and i lost my social.. well misplaced it.. i know i will find it eventually.. always do.. but right now.. i don't have it.. so i have to go get another one just so i can finish this.. and that cost money to.. and its like.. i thought the point of getting a job was to make money. Blah. idk what to do.. I like it.. i mean not too far.. ok pay.. I'd be working by myself.. i like that.. data entry, easy... with some design sometimes, cool.. ok ok.. think of the positives... thinking happy thoughts.. hopefully they don't throw anything else my way in order to get this job.. i miss the days you just hand someone your drivers license and social, fill out a couple forms and they hire u the next day.. good times.. this is so ridiculous! I am just cranky.. I'm tired and I have too much to do tomorrow. and all i wanna do tomorrow is sleep and watch Dexter and eat... i can't be picky.. economy is too shitty right now to be picky.. take what i can get.. that's what i should be thinking.. so i guess I'll stop complaining and suck it up.. i just think they are making too much of this.. its just a data entry job.. seriously.. its not rocket science.. she even said that in the interview and yet its like I'm being interviewed by nasa or something. fingerprinted? anyways..
*face palm*
I should probably be sleeping right now.. lol.
I missed Jefri :) I luv him muchly

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