we had a really nice day today i think.
he came home early from work cuz it was really slow. like around 3:45 and he's usually home at 7. so i was still a mess and nothing was done. we hung out and played around.
Its hot in our apartment usually so i was in a shirt and some underroos like usual and we were sitting on the couch and he hit the blinds so the people across from us could see me!! so all morning i was waiting for him to do something embarrassing so i could oepn the blinds on him! but he didnt. grr. I'll get him one of these days.. its coming for true.
we put a bunch of dishes in a box cuz we have too much junk and not enough cabinet space. i told him i would do it but i like doing things like that with him. and it gets done a lot faster.
then we ate dinner and went to see invasion. it was okay. it wasnt as scary as i thought it owuld be.
jefrie is getting sooo annoying. he wont stop trying to hump my legs. EVEN when im walking! he FLYs across the room and jumps on them.. its like.. what the heck??? its gross. and i push him away over and over and he comes back for more.. i even kicked him.. i kicked my bunny. it didnt hurt him. i love him. but i dont know what to do anymore. and I need to get him spayed. i dont even know if spaying him will help but i need to try something. plus they live longer.
my mom's potluck was tonight, i was gonna go even tho we had a fight. but she doesnt answer her stupid cell.
o man. so i do the ridiculousness that lisa asked of me. like i said i would. and she says she'd have a check for me on thursday... and does she???? no. of course not. its stupid because we were on the phone and she said "sorry about the voicemail, i know you are true to your word. And I am true to mine." and is she??? no. She said "sorry i got caught up in the hype yesterday" psh. what hype? i got the hype so she wouldnthave to. I handled the hype. she had more hype before... now she has it easy and she says she has hype. she cant do a simple thing like leave a check. and says "well heres what i can do.. im going to my house to pick up some stuff on saturday so if u want to come then.." like she's doing me a favor.. no favor... non favor. Im just so over this thing. I want it to be over and done and get the heck out for good.
i like the dress audrey hepburn wore in funny face. stupidest movie. cool dance scene. cool dress. dumb everyything else. especially the singing. ew. but this is the dress. i like the bottom. the top is kinda meh....

i have to pee.