[1361] Easter Eggs and Karma Kindness

I got my check from my last job. those bastards didnt pay me my bonuses. They want to bring all these "technicalities" into play when dealing with my advertisements but when if comes to them, they can fudge whatever they want. NO. LIke I mentioned before in another entry.. Ron threatened me saying he would take "legal action" against me.. because of well I'm not quite sure since his threat was based on nothing.. except anger about a myspace post. free country people. ANyways. So I just think its so great and.. spectacular.. how karma has been giving me little presents lately. Like the day he fired me he said I needed to get thicker skin. So after he cried at me about the bulletin I posted.. I told HIM that maybe he should get thicker skin. Then.. he threatens to take "legal action" and now.. I have filed a wage claim against him.. Oh irony. Its great when its in your favor. So basically I sent an email today saying that I assume I have another check coming. I should get a bogus response tomorrow saying how he doesnt plan on paying me. To which I will respond by faxing him over the wage claim all filled out. I made 2 copies so i can fax one to him with a note saying I plan to send it the next day. and hopefully it will scare him into just cutting me a check so I dont have to. If not I will and the division of labor standards enforcement will deal with it. Isnt that awesome? I wasnt even aware of this. I had no idea bonuses counted as wages and that there were people who dealt with this sort of nonsense. And the good thing is.. they do these things based on oral and written, obviously written being more valid than oral. and I have written proof from that memo he gave me. woot. well I am going to go. I have easter dinner to cook. yum. I am going to make deviled eggs in replacement of easter eggs since we're not 7. tim doesnt really like deviled eggs.. but its easter. its where eggs belong. why? i dont know. tim went to meet with our realtor. we put in another offer. but this one is in moorpark. its one of the ones we looked at last week. the first one was sooo cute and it was 2 story so it feels more townehomey.. with garage access from the back porch which was big and perfect for jefri. BUt its in canyon country and i want to cut down tims drive time. so this other one is perfect for that but its 1 story and feels more.. apartmenty. but thats okay. there are others aroudn there that are 2 story but cost a lot more.. obviously but maybe the market will continue to go down. --------------------------------------------------------- My mother got PUNCHED in the FACE! We went to food for less to pick up a few things we forgot we needed. BUt before that we met up with my family in the parking lot because i didnt go to my moms for easter and needed to return alishas jacket. When we got there I hugged manuel and asked if he was ok. he started crying. he said he didnt know why but its because its all bottled inside. living with her as a minor is like eating needles for breakfast. its just wrong.. and painful because no one gets how twisted she is. i did not say hello to my grandmother who was in the car. because she is the reason i will not be having a wedding. but i enjoyed seeing everyone else.. i wish i could spend more time with them. uhg. punched in the face. when i first heard... i almost.. well i did.. feel a little bad.. a little concerned. but then i told myself to shut up because she slammed a door in my face and didnt care at all. i guess i just cant know someone is hurt and not feel bad unlike her actually enjoys my pain. i have insomnia. on the bright side. my boobs are getting bigger.. for realsies. i mean not much, but even timmy noticed. just had to wait 21 years.
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