But I pretty much have the best boyfriend :]
uhg. boyfriend.. :(
Not that I am a materialistic person, because ha... and lol.. but its the thought that counts annnnd i think he loves mee :} . hehe he is soo sweet. he got me some nice clothes to help me feel confident when i have an interview and such. I love him. I got a high waisted pencil skirt and a cute white blouse anddd 3 cute little blazery things. maybe i'll post some pictures later. i know im a dork. it just been soo long since i've had a nice piece of clothng that was nice and cute and NOT from goodwill. its been months on top of months since ive even gotten anything from there. dont get me wrong.. i love love love my goodwill.. but the last time i had something from a nice store.. besides walmart or something.. was like 5 years ago. seriously. so it meant a lot.. and it feels nice. i forgot how much clothes can change your mood.
anyways.. onn a suckky note.. court tomorrow for speeding ticket... AHG. i have to be there at 8:30in the AM.. bahhh. i dont have enough monies... boo.
well im busy watching roswelll sooo. bye.
ok so i was bored and took a BUNCH of pics with my digital camera. but somethings happened to it or something cuz its not letting me transfer them.. maybe the chord.. i did drop it and the screen broke. but that was a while ago and Ive transfered many MUCH pictures since then soo.. yeah.. whats up? anyways.. so i decided the web cam would have to do.. not as cool. actually really uncool. and really bad quality. but o well. it works..
aw.. poor midgets.
what do you..
and that's that.
i think my face is getting chubby.
the pencil skirt is grey not black..
i look fat.
well. it looks a lot better in person.
ok i HAVE to sleep now.. nite.
Oh and I almost forgot..
its ridiculous so thats probably why.. not even worth mentioning really but it pisses the bahjebus out of me. So yesterday after church me and timmy went up to sal and stehnie to say hi. because we're nice people and they totally shnubbed us. shnubbers. seriously. what's the deal with married couples? when me and timmy are married we arent going to behave like anas faces. I mean sometimes.. you have a bad day.. you accidently blow someone off.. its unintentional and you realize it 5 seconds after its too late and you apologize later... but no. this was no accident. it was blatant anas faced bahavior. like what would motivate them to shnub us? me? and timmy.. and us.. what a bunch of fit shaces. heh. seriously tho.. its not jsut the marriage thing that's made them like this.. it was before that too.. at least with stephnie.. I try and try with that girl and does she?? no. she has absolutely no reason not to like me... and if she just doesnt.. fine.. but at least give me some respect. all she ever does is stare at me after i say anything and kind of look back and forth at sal.. what the hell? talya was like "yeah she's nice" and mikes gf laura was nice.. really nice.. and laura said she was nice.. but no. I am shy too around new people.. especially shy people. they creep me out.. but i go out of my way to make an effort when i have the chance.. and is it reciprocated? no. its not even accepted. say SOMETHING and stop being a jerk maybe. and like whats sals problem? he's an asshole. i was going to call sal and ask him but i mean they arent even worth it. whatever. i just think its really stupid how he goes around blowing us off.. and being all "involved" and friends with everyone else.. when I was the one who introduced him to the freaking church in the first place. forall we know.. if it wasnt for me.. he would be a chatholic for one thing.. probably would still be slutting around and never even have met stephnie. screw them both. uhg. that feels better.