[1581] Seriously?

Manuel is almost 19. that's insane. Life is too fast :(

I got Timmy Tempted, the newest book in a series he liked. and Borderlands. A cool new video game.. its graphics remind me of a comic book. its neat. he really likes it :)

Tomorrow I make cake and a big dinner.

Also. I get my results tomorrow. I am nervous. I have mentioned that I am sure but... its true so whatever. I dunno... I go back and forth with what I think the results will be. I have no idea.

My K/D just keeps going up in MW2. I'm kinda a big deal :p

Now on to the main topic of this entry: DEXTER. IT WAS CRAZY. DEXTER SPOILER ALERT!!!! They totally RUINED it. It was perfect. Every episode just kept getting better. It didn't try to hard. The characters, the plots, even the side stories.. its hard to find a show that good. And just when it could have been.. amazing.. it just.. stopped... being.. amazing. UHG! They freaking killed.. one of the most important parts. Wont say who since that would be toooo much of a spoiler. I mean I get it kinda.. but they could have made it ALMOST happen. they didn't have to go through with it. omg. what the heck is next season going to be about?? how will the come back from this?? I haven't been this attached to a show since Everwood. And I get attached to every show i watch but if something bad happens its like.. annoying but not the end of the world. Everwood, and this feel real. Its like they killed my grandma. That's how I feel right now. only i was too shocked to feel anything. I just sat.. speechless.. the writers need to be... kicked. in the balls. if they have them.


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