I am sad. No email from Activision. Surprise Surprise. o well. i just really think it would have been a good match. how similar in a way to what i already am accustomed to do... HTML requires such tediousness. Just one missing tag or small character could throw the whole page off... I am used to looking for small mistakes and fixing them. (obviously not here, as you note all the uncapitalized i's and spelling errors... but this is sitdiary. the only place i can be completely sloppy and careless.)I don't just want to play games. I like taking things apart and breaking them down and figuring out how they work. what makes them work. It would have been interesting to know what makes a video game work. getting inside of the game rather than just playing it. i still think i am .. or would be a good game tester. we'll see what happens. its not completely out of reach just because 1 publishing company didn't respond.
I finally broke open my new JavaScript book. The Missing Manual. I have read that one Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours... sucked. but i heard, or read rather, good reviews about this one. ActionScript is based on JavaScript... I didn't know that. I could see how now.. there are a lot of similarities. But it'll be nice after learning JavaScript to have a strong foundation for ActionScript.
Timmy and I baked a cake last night. Its pretty. I think so anyways. I'd take a picture but the camera is in the car... maybe later.
He always does that. doesn't talk. hoping I'll just fall asleep. and I do.. because he doesn't talk for forever... and the next morning he has to go to work and he thinks the whole thing will just go away by the time he gets home.
I'm going to finish a chapter or 2 of notes. look for a job. send some resumes. read my book. and thennnnn.. clean. or something.
Oh i almost forgot. aside from being so angry at Tim, I'm actually pretty excited and proud of him. Honda is sending him to Honda school again... he didn't even ask.. this is sort of a big deal because there are quite a few guys who would like to go and ask on regular basis if they can go... they don't have a lot of chances to send people. Tim was the last person they sent. That was a few months ago. so the fact that they are sending him 2 times in a row... its pretty cool. last time was only for 3 days. this time will be for a week. and they pay for the hotel and i get to go and last time it was pretty nice. Its from February 9th to the 13th. and then we're doing something for valentines day. so its like an extended valentines day vacation. just don't really know what we're going to do with Choli.. or jefri. we could probably bring Choli with us. but Jefri... 3 days was a stretch last time.. but a week? what if he runs out of food.. and no lovin... :[ we'll figure something out i guess...
Superbowl party in a couple days at the house of some guy Tim works with. He lives down the street actually, his name is Brett. But Tim said he wasn't stupid or a jerk like most Brett's. Should be fun i guess... heh. i hate football. but It'll be fun for Tim and I like food.. there's always food at those thing yeah?
cake pictures: I am proud of this cake :} I think its the prettiest one yet...

uhm lol by the way.. those are not tacitos... lol. they kinda look like it tho. its those rolled chocolate wafer things you dip in like hot chocolate and whatknot.
Were you single on your last birthday?
Are you wearing a sports shirt?
why would i do that?
How much longer until your birthday?
10 months? maybe 9
What is an important part of a relationship?
communication. honesty. trust.
How was your day today?
good thanks.
What was the last movie you watched?
mmmm... moulin rouge i think or something.
If you could be Britney Spears for a day would you?
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Where were you at 8 am this morning?
watching spongebob. or sleeping
Are you friends with your most recent ex?
Do you fall for people easily?
What was the last song you listened to?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh forgot
Do you know any alcoholics your age?
there anything you should be doing right now?
Where were you an hour ago?
playing left for dead with timmy
What are you currently hearing?
nothing. tim is reading in the other room
Who are the first and last people in your phone's contacts?
i don't know where my phone is.
Have you ever broken someones heart?
Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to?
Ready for kids?
maybe in a few years
What's one thing you do when you're mad?
ignore you. cry. watch a movie or tv show i really like.. write. leave.
Do you like where you live?
How's your ex?
How often do you lose your voice?
mmmmmm i don't
How many kids do you want?
How's your sister?
i don't have one
How many people on your top friends list do you know in person?
i only have 1 person on my top friends. and I'd say i know him pretty well.. heh
What is the one song that can actually cheer you up?
mmmmm there's a lot
Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
What's your last text say?
i don't knowwww
Do you get drunk every weekend?
i can't even remember the last time i had an alcoholic beverage
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
What was the last thing you laughed out loud about?
uhh myself
Are you a cuddler?
Would you rather have long or short hair?
reeeeallly long or reaally short with long bangs
What is the longest you have ever talked on the phone?
all day
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Last time you talked to your number one?
a few minutes ago.
Are you wearing make up?
no. but i bought some today. I'm excited to use it woot.
Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl?
a little but it isn't worth it to be mad all the time..
Are you friends with your neighbors?
no. they are weird....
Do you have any enemies?
yes i do.
Who was last to cook for you?
When is the next time you'll see the second person on your top?
don't have one
Has anyone ever told you you were beautiful?
What bugs you the most?
liars. bugs.
Who called you last?
the doctor's office.