So last nite was stupi but that ok. i liked watching sean play.. that wasnt stupid so i guess the whole nite wasnt completely stupid. i was so excited to hang out with sean tho.. and well we did for a little but it ws just awkward the whole time and oi. nvm. stupid topic....
movinb right along.. this morning i spent a goood hour trying to get into the classes i want.. and i think i almost did it.. i have 3 of theones i want for sure sure. and im on the waiting list for one and i just need to get an add code for the math class i want. and then im set..
didnt want to sit at home all day so i tried to call amy and shelby and people but gosh.. every one is so busy these days.. naw.. ali and kim had their cousins over or something and amy doesnt answer her phone.. sal wanted to hang out but we couldnt think of anything so we went with albert to pomona to what they said was a break dancing event.. but it was really a car show. it was cool i guess.. i liked looking at some of the cars.. but most of em were new and im more into classics.. theyre pretty.. but yeah and.. the girls there are nuts. i didnt like it. im glad they didnt want to stay tooo long. grr im sitll bitter.. on the way home we stopped at jack in the box and i ordered a cheese burger and stuffed jalipenos or whatever.. but they didnt put them in the bag grr. i was sad. im still hungry. o well.
oooOooh i got my pictures from the delta.. well some of em.. and they didnt come out good at all but o well..
everyday, all day, mr and mrs collato would take people out to wake board.. it was fun..
a bunch of dorks..
all we did was play games. and games.. oh yeah.. more gameS!
our boat started sinking and we had to transfer EVERYTHING onto the other boat!!!! they are right next to each other.. kinda a crappy picture but the main reason i put this on here was cuz thats where we slept.. us girls.. in that TINY little loft thing.. yeeeeeeeah. fun fun fun.
last day...
jerry! jerry!.. leaving..
jonathan white..
the end...
my mom is really rubbing me the wrong way today.. well.. not just today but well actually shes been fine all day lol... but right now.. gosh.. gosh gosh gosh. shhh. she's such a hypocrite sometimes.. i know i am all the time too but still.. its just bugging me..