
keyboaring: i didnt sit next to roland today. some skinny bald headed character took his seat and he took my seat. so i sat next to this older lady. hmmm. she scrares me a little. the bus didnt stop like it usually does.. there was some construction but he could have stopped.. he just ignored me. so i had to walk BUT! robin saw me walking and picked me up along the way. thats was good cuz it was hot today and lots of construction.. which means dun dun dun construction workers. erg. work was ok. kinda gay. deren actually talked to me. that guy barely says anything ever so it kinda freaked me out at first. but he's nice n such i guess. i took the bus home cuz i was gonna stop and visit a friend at work. but they werent there. on the bus some dude kept smiling at me and came and sat by me. and then he showed me his tattoos... kinda weird but it passed the time i guess. but yeah. kinda weird tho... dude. im almost 19. holy cow. thats crazy. i just realized that... not that 19 is a huge # but ew.... i dont want to get old. wow i just got really sad. i wanna go... play hide n seek or something... :( speaking of what i should do for my birthday.. what should i do for my birthday? i was thinking of going to a justin timberlake concert. cuz. i love him and still havent been to a concert and after 19 years... its just unacceptable. but i dunno. who knows. i wanna learn how to dance. i really do and i dont know why. not a specific type of dance.. anything from dance club type stuff to swing to salsa.. thatd be fun. yeeeah. but you kinda need a partner for that nonsense. maybe jason will take lessons with me. he said he wanted to do catilian again but i think thats just a high school thing. i never had catilian. i think im the only mexican that cant dance. dance dance. i can jeni dance:) which is fun if your weird.. yeah. oh and... i know who u are mr. anonymous... i dont know why u insist on being "anonymous" its not that hard to figure out. im not that popular. did u want ur CD back?
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no lol