HI Helloooooooooooooooooooo! BOB THE BACHELOR!... is ugly. No curls. no curls. His face looks like a giant box of cookies... or something. K so last night I went to uturn. good times. Then sal showed me pictures of himself... that was super. super dee duper. haha. ha. hoho? I went to schoooooooooooooooool and.. id nothing for 30 minutes. I had 45 minutes to kill so I hung out with the butt bot. thats andres he is a butt bot. I got sherbert ice cream. This commercial is funny... "i just saved 15% on car insurrance..... i saved. I thought that meant something to you" hehe. i have 3 count em 3! pimple type people on my face. only they arent people. they are pimples and they are on my chin type person. its sad like this....... *flees the sceen* I forgot what I was saying... OH YEAH! At like 1 or something I went to ER SOLUTIONS... thats where i work I guess. Kai showed me stuff and stuff and then I talked to Dave and then Aki came in and I sat on her lap and we embrased like this...... *fee fiii foo... burrito?* I should change my backgound. I think it shall be different everyday. yeah. isnt that exciting!? i know. its almost TOO exciting! this is dumb. nothing really happened today or yesterday so I should have updated tomorrow or something.. but oh well. and I write the same things in here as I do in the notebook pretty much so someone is going to be going "yeah, I know that, yup knew that too.. oh I remember that... uh huh, tell me something I dont know" while they read it. but hey, no thats it. Just hey. "HI!"... who said that? *chills* i love all. your all geese and Im a duck. bye. |
Listening to: rainbow connection- no use for a name
Feeling: hungover
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