[58]this is a boring entry

Feeling: achy
i dont know why but yesterday I just did not want to write in this thing at all.. and i still kinda dont. But I figured what the heck. So yesterday um.. what was yesterday? tuesday! I went to this thing with my church. It was pretty cool, not too many people went but it was fun. Came home and hung out with the brett. Always enjoyable. I gave him his vday present, but it was too small. Then we went to coc and they breakdanced and stuff.. I fell on my butt.. and it hurt good. HOLY MAN! This is weird! I was 122 two days ago and last nite I weighted again and I am back to 112... it doesnt make sense. Anyways, today I went to school. Then brett came over and such. My house is so boring and it was raining so we didnt go anywhere or anything. I had the strangest urge to herbal... or as they say in france.. wash my hair. I went to uturn. that was cool. The rabbit was in the hole. Afterwards we went to jack in the crack and jake made me a spiffy cool braclet. and donivan made me 2 rings. I didnt throw fries at jake this time. Glen has never seen peanuts. its sad. Well... I talked to my brother today and I was gonna tell him things.. the thing that happened at the church family meeting thing, but I decided not to. This is gonna suck cuz I tell him everything. anyways. i feel like sleeping. so i will go sleep. gnite all.
Read 7 comments
Hey thanx for commenting. I like your diary it's really tight. Adios.
haha ya u did.. how great... great diary name!!! whoa... krys
your comment confused me a tad.

i'd have to agree, it is cool to have legs.
wow ur fuckin weird.
bananas will rule the world one day:D
yeah well please dont eaT this crayon he dont look yummy lol Cyndy