what's your age:20
Breast size: not telling
Chore you hate: dishies
Dad’s name: charlie
Essential makeup: eyeliner
Favorite actor: idk ryan gosling atm
Gold or silver: Silver
Hometown: saugus
Instruments you play: the drums
Job title: loser
Kids: none
Living arrangements: me and timmy's apartment
Mom’s name: judy
Number of people you’ve kissed : 4 1/2
Overnight hospital stays: none
Phobia: alone in the dark and needles
Quote : "i used to think the sun was a monster..."
Religious : christian
Siblings: 1
Time you wake up: 12ish
Vegetable you refuse to eat: raw onions?
Worst habit: biting my nails
X-rays you’ve had: teeth and chest
Yummy food you make: idk ask tim
Zodiac Sign: Libra
that survey sucked..
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