[1493] Experiment

"my rhymes are so potent that in this small segment i made all of the ladies in the first 2 rows pregnant" --- FotC lol o man Again, I'm tempted to call and ask to be put on a project.. screw the drive. its better than being bored. I'll be tired but I am already tired. there are no effing jobs in simi. I miss being around people that don't suck. mostly. I miss the gossip and the jokes and the nonsense. Now the only question is.. Santa Monica or El Segundo?? dilemma. I kick ass. I lost 2 lbs. I need to lose 8 more and I'll be 100 lbs. more squats. more sit ups. more oatmeal with maca magic yum! that stuff is great. it lasts forever. as it should, it sure cost enough. Picked up that book Crank by Ellen Hopkins. Looked interesting. its a bunch of linked poems... and its based on a true story.. double fun times for Jeni's. can't wait to finish Time Traveler's Wife and start it. I want to play WaW right now. I'm starving. I should sleep. Ef Sleep. Sleep is for quitters. What's wrong with me?? I can't sleep. i can't eat.. i can't concentrate on my book for more than a few pages.. its annoying.. what gives? lol the ice cream and cake song is gaay. is that why i love it so much? i think soooo. dude... I've looked into how to increase the size of my boobs before.. but i never have actually tried anything. so I've had a lot of time on my hands lately.. and I decided to give it another go. Now, i just read that orgasms increase your breast size! "breast enlargement is dependent on two hormones - oestrogen and progesterone. oestrogen increases the glandular chunk of ur breasts - meaning it make it secrete more milk. progesterone increases the stromal feature of ur breast - meaning it enlarge the breast. any situation that increases ur progesterone hormone will result in breast enalrgement. thats the reason they enlarge surrounded by pregnancy. many studies hold shown that masturbation resulting in orgasms especially multiple orgasms result in a large and significant incerease in progesterone levels. this stimulates stromal proliferation - resulting in breast expansion." interesting... well between the massaging with fenugreek which I'm picking up tomorrow.. the wall push ups and the orgasms lol.. if this doesn't work then I give up for good.. wish me luck... haha. don't judge. it's for educational purposes only.. I'll let u know how it turns out.
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I must say I am intrigued by this I would to know such things as to help the opposite sex should they need this type of help lol

Also I have been losing weight before I ship out. I am taking my time my average of weight loss is 7 pounds a month. Right now I weigh 230, In the 24th of June I was at 244. I am also being checked up on my body fat as well. I was at 30 percent and now I am at 28. I know if I put more effort I can lose more but meh I still got time before I leave. I mean it can be done just being consistent is all it takes.