My anniversary gift to tim:
a booklet of 365 reasons why i love him...
#365 the way you smell
#364 how patient you are
#363 your green eyes
#362 how smart u are
#361 how you support me
#360 you love jefri
#359 you love choli
#358 your belly button
#357 your tummy
#356 how polite you are
#355 how humble you are
#354 you don't have a temper
#353 cuddling
#352 how affectionate you are
#351 you're a HUGE dork
#350 your integrity
#349 you're good with kids
#348 you aren't shallow
#347 you're so silly
#346 you're sexy
#345 your soft lips
#344 your easy going
#343 when we watch the soup
#342 you aren't hairy
#341 your long eyelashes
#340 you accept my past
#339 you try new things
#338 you don't like parties
#337 you gave up pot
#336 you don't smoke…
#335 …or like to get drunk
#334 you hate the "d" word
#333 you appreciate me
#332 you encourage me
#331 you open my doors
#330 your kindness
#329 you respect me
#328 your sense of humor
#327 you handle the bills
#326 your body
#325 I love your laugh
#324 that you're mine
#323 all our inside jokes
#322 you aren't fake
#321 you take out the trash
#320 your hands...
#319 ...and holding them
#318 you are genuine
#317 you are forgiving
#316 the color of your hair
#315 you don't snore
#314 you'll never be fat
#313 you read my sitdiary
#312 you make me feel special
#311 you're an AMAZING kisser
#310 I'm never bored with you
#309 you think I'm pretty
#308 dreaming about you
#307 you listen
#306 you don't hold grudges
#305 when you call me wife
#304 playing Left 4 Dead with you
#303 your voice
#302 your need to spoon
#301 you understand my faults
#300 how you proposed…
#299 twice
#298 you married me
#297 when you kiss my forehead
#296 cooking you dinner
#295 praying with you
#294 you are my soul mate
#293 you are a Christian
#292 Being goofballs
#291 laughing with you
#290 your tallness
#289 your handsomeness
#288 you balance me out
#287 your soft hair
#286 you take care of me
#285 you play the guitar
#284 talking in the car
#283 the way you love me
#282 the way you need me
#281 the way you hold me
#280 your neck beard
#279 your red spot
#278 you don't have a butt
#277 you like tea
#276 watching you sleep
#275 when you cook for me
#274 when you're proud of me
#273 you take short showers
#272 your smile
#271 you make me a better person
#270 you never leave the toilet seat up
#269 your soft touches
#268 hearing about your day
#267 you like zombies and vampires as much as I do
#266 you're preparing for future zombie attacks
#265 you wouldn't kill me if I were a zombie
#264 you like Coke over Pepsi
#263 you like Xbox over PS3
#262 you like Macs over PCs
#261 you don't mind driving
#260 cleaning the house for you when you've had a bad day
#259 you pick up food
#258 you get the mail
#257 you don't get mad when I lose my credit card...
#256 ...or lock my keys in the car
#255 "Business Time"
#254 you're almost always the first one to apologize
#253 how I know you mean it when you say sorry
#252 you look good in brown
#251 mix, no TF
#250 cooking together
#249 when you wear glasses
#248 you listen to my dreams even if they make no sense and have no point
#247 you don't smell when you sweat like most guys
#246 you were the cutest baby ever!!
#245 we will make cute babies
#244 you think Stephanie is gross and stupid
#243 you stopped saying "poopy pants"
#242 how our communication gets better with time
#241 we've spent almost everyday together since we met in Sept 2005
#240 you admit when your wrong
#239 you wash my back for me in the shower
#238 you don't think its gross when I buy tampons
#237 learning French with you
#236 that you like wearing your wedding ring
#235 when you tell me I'm not like my mother
#234 you don't get annoyed when I listen to a band non-stop
#233 when you're more random than I am
#232 our pinching wars
#231 when we play arms and you always give up first :]
#230 how happy you make me
#229 you don't get mad when I make a mess of the bathroom(s)...
#228 ...or the whole house
#227 being married to you
#226 your random need to clean the house
#225 taking trips with you
#224 we both love bull dogs
#223 you clean Choli's litter box so i don't have to
#222 you think the purple trees in simi valley are pretty
#221 you're good with directions
#220 your need to tell me when you have to poop
#219 bragging about you
#218 how happy you look when I make your lunch
#217 your heart
#216 you know me better than I know myself
#215 you feel bad for the stray cats that live around our complex
#214 you don't think I'm crazy...
#213 ...or retarded
#212 you like the name Jaike Ryan for our daughter
#211 you like the name Brody James and Nikola for boys
#210 you're pro-life
#209 playing video games with you
#208 the way you dress
#207 when you show me songs you know I'll like...
#206 ...because I always do
#205 I can tell you anything
#204 thinking about our future
#205 talking about our future
#204 we love the Twilight series
#203 how much you love that Inland Invasion shirt
#202 how good you look in that long light green shirt
#201 when you tell me not to cry and it makes me cry more because I feel so safe with you
#200 you make me feel more confident
#199 you give me control of the TV remote
#198 you do the dishes more than you have to
#197 you brush your teeth when you get home from work
#196 you brought me my favorite (pink lemonade jolly rancher) lollypop when we first met
#195 you drove around to 5 different gas stations to find it
#194 you trust me enough to cut your hair even if I don't know what I'm doing
#193 you let me make fun of Stephanie and Amanda (and all your other stalkers)
#192 you let me make fun of sports announcers
#191 you help me sort laundry
#190 you put the clothes in the dryer because its too high
#189 when you try to sound angry when you yell at Choli
#188 you like the same kind of Q tips that I like
#187 we like taking pictures
#186 you wanted to marry me
#185 how comfortable we are
#184 you also like the fan on when its cold
#183 you let me tickle you in the armpits sometimes
#182 you want to grow old with me
#181 you still love me when I'm grumpy
#180 you're the only person capable of being with me
#179 the smell of your shirts
#178 your honesty, even when its hard
#177 you walk away from loud noises at work
#176 how you are always there for me when I need you
#175 you aren't like your brother
#174 you like my stupid dances for silly situations
#173 your own silly dances
#172 you call to wake me up even though most of the time you know I won't hear it
#171 you never suggest Burger King because you know I hate it
#170 you don't care how awkward and anti-social I am
#169 you listen to me vent about how I don't get my family... even though you've heard it all before a gagilion times.
#168 you say ouch before I even touch you
#167 you change my oil
#166 you squeeze my tushy all the time
#165 we always fight over who has to pick what to eat for dinner
#164 you don't think I'm dumb for not knowing for to load the dishwasher
#163 you have a picture of me in your tool box
#162 when you don't wear a hat
#161 you never give up on me
#160 you love me despite my family
#159 you bless me when I sneeze
#158 you understand me
#157 you tolerate my cravings for ice cream at 2 am
#156 your not dramatic
#155 we have the silliest nicknames and I don't care who knows
#154 your ambition
#153 your man patch is coming in nicely... can't wait till you let me wax it off :]
#152 you don't have a problem with my desire to be a work-from-home mom
#151 you love me for who I am
#150 your good advice
#149 how you look when you're all dolled up
#148 your gentleness
#147 you can calm me down when I am upset
#146 you tell me when your about to fart... so I can run away :/
#145 that you aren't jealous of Justin Timberlake
#144 you ask if I checked on Jefri
#143 you don't think it was cruel to neuter Jefri
#142 you give me hints about which finger my stray eyelash is on
#141 you understand my need for Heinz ketchup and Smuckers jelly.. no exceptions
#140 you don't let me win
#139 you go with me to thrift stores and the swap meet
#138 when you say crazy weird things while you sleep
#137 I miss you the second you leave the house
#136 your drooling is becoming less problematic.. you've really made an effort not to drool in my hair
#135 you don't get annoyed when I get lost on the freeway and need you to lead me home.. even if it was more than once a week
#134 even though you have to go to work every morning, you park my car in the closer space even if I have nowhere to go
#133 you will never get me in an arm bar lol
#132 when you bring me presents for no reason
#131 our connection
#130 cuddling in the morning
#129 I love how you are always on my mind
#128 you put me first
#127 you make me feel secure
#126 because someday we will have a house and a big yard and i can't wait
#125 you don't care that I sleep with a stuffed animal
#124 you bought me hippo for Easter and I love him so much
#123 you don't get mad when I talk during movies
#122 you give jefri healthy bits
#121 you are my best friend
#120 when you get home early from work
#119 you think I have good taste
#118 you carried me over the threshold after we got married
#117 you share my hatred of mushrooms
#116 you don't think my morning breath is gross
#115 that you are good at fixing stuff
#114 you shop for groceries
#113 you carry the heavy bags
#112 we love the same music
#111 you won't care than at #205 of this list I screwed up the numbering....
#110 ...so there's actually 367
#109 making weird noises with your cheek skin
#108 when you pose for pictures
#107 when you refrain from tickling me (i know its hard)
#106 you crack my back when its tense (and you're getting really good at it too)
#105 when you look sad to go to work
#104 you don't tell me to shut up when I sing the poop song
#103 because your better than BAD, your GOOD!!
#102 you took your tongue ring out
#101 I love how hard it is for you to keep a surprise a secret
#100 you like will and grace now
#99 you also like SpongeBob
#98 when we talk about how we met
#97 when you help me with my homework
#96 your common sense
#95 when I find things for you
#94 you never take me for granted
#93 you like to share
#92 you introduced me to mayday parade!
#91 you're responsible
#90 you're reliable
#89 when you try to grab my heels with you toes, but you can't
#88 you don't take yourself too seriously
#87 when you sit behind me on the computer
#86 you let me cry for as long as I need to
#85 we like the smell of Christmas trees
#84 we're homebodies
#83 you don't mind that I hardly ever wear make up
#82 you want to punch Zack Braff in the face as much as I do
#81 Valentines day 2006
#80 that you are not perfect...
#79 and knowing that wont hinder us
#78 you don't seem to mind how much I procrastinate
#77 you had 3 nipples until just recently
#76 you don't mind aversion to wearing pants.. in fact you developed one yourself :]
#75 you snooze like 100 times.. and end up being late
#74 I love sharing new experiences with you
#73 you do me favors with a smile on your face
#72 I can't be upset at you or around you for too long
#71 you're not a serial killer
#70 when someone says something stupid and we exchange a cynical glance
#69 you care about my opinion
#68 you get sad if I don't call you all day when you're at work
#67 you aren't controlling
#66 you are so sweet, probably from all those Oreo's
#65 you think Dark Knight sucked (with the exception of Heath Ledger)
#64 watching all the episodes of our favorite shows
#63 watching movies with you
#62 you think Michael Jackson is a creep
#61 when you stand up for me
#60 how excited you get for American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance
#59 you don't mind walking around with a hole in the back of your pants
#58 you don't care that I don't speak Spanish
#57 you think things are cute and pretty
#56 you don't freak out when I make you late
#55 because "want me to warm you up a burrito" will always make you laugh
#54 you look away when a slutty girl is on TV, and I don't ask you to
#53 trying not to be too noisy so the neighbors wont hear us...
#52 ...not succeeding
#51 you always get large sodas now that you know I'll sneak a sip.. or more
#50 you'll be a great daddy someday
#49 how brave you are for living on your own, away from your family
#48 you get along with your parents
#47 you make a grinding noise with your teeth sometimes when you sleep
#46 when we sing made up songs together
#45 you always have to get the most 'chievements
#44 when you feed Choli in the morning, i like when she hugs your legs
#43 helped me get through a lot of emotional trauma
#42 watching you play COD
#41 you let me stretch my feet across you when we sit on the couch together
#40 you put up with my fits and emotional breakdowns once a month (sorry)
#39 you love that Deb Tablan… especially the song "Comfort"
#38 you don't make fun of me for trying to spoil Jefri with box houses
#37 you treat everyone with respect
#36 we both look young for our age
#35 when you hold my face because you want me to pay attention to what your saying
#34 the way I can't hear what your saying because you're covering my ears
#33 you always ask me if it’s okay to buy a video game, even though half the time I’m the one convincing you
#32 you have a birthmark on your right tushy
#31 and the right side of your face
#30 when you say you miss me
#29 you don't think I am weird for eating pickles as a snack
#28 you work so hard
#27 reading with you on the couch
#26 you make time for me
#25 you shop with me and don't complain
#24 you are not a bed or blanket hog
#23 you would never hurt me
#22 when we first met we went to see a movie but we were more focused on our pinkies touching than anything else
#21 we waited until we were married to have sex
#20 you didn't pressure me to have sex
#19 you told me no to having sex
#18 falling asleep on the couch together
#17 playing the copy cat game
#16 when you're in a different room than me, and you say "I love you" so i can hear
#15 you like trying to eat healthy with me
#14 you didn't kick me out when I couldn't stop saying "that's what she said" jokes
#13 your dorky sayings like "brrzies"
#12 I love making and building things with you
#11 I love when you tell Choli to go do something else
#10 the 2nd time we talked on AIM, you typed "jeni is beautiful" with your nose
#9 you had a crush on me after only 4 hours
#8 you don't get too mad at me for my inadequacies with toothpaste tubes
#7 you don't seem to mind that I don't have big boobies
#6 you say I'll make a good mother
#5 when we think the same things at the same time (because it happens so much)
#4 that your the first person I see when I get up
#3 and the last person I see before I go to sleep
#2 I love you more than I've ever loved anyone
#1 just being with you

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