so thanksgiving was nice.
family came over to mi casa and chrisis family and timmy. my cousin amelia wasnt there tho. tear. i miss her. But yeah it was fun tho for the most part. i like my cousins. cept alisha. shes canadian. but thats not why i dont like her. but in lying. or am i? actually im just in a weird mood. cookie crisp?? my cousins and tim and meeee (yes me not i) watched ace ventura in my room. well kinda. didnt finish it. it was funny so far. but yeah me and tim boxed in the front yard and yeah. much fun. leaves make you slip. and and john redcorn was in my house. manuel threw chicken at my brother and hit christi. tim forgot his line. he is not so tiny.
after that we went and picked up aaron and then we went to his aunt and uncles house. and ate much foodage. the sweet potatoes were yummy times 46. i made the mute boy laugh. and yeah we watched the girl next door. that movies kinda weird. made timmy uncomfortable to watch it with me. actualy it was more amusing to watch him than the actual movie. haha jk. kinda.
then i drove the bravada to 7/11 and we got stuff and things. and we played video games. me and the old one wrestled but no one ever wins or loses. I got him in the armbar 5 times and 2 choke holds. I would have had him in that second armbar if it wasnt for the wall. grr. he thinks he can take this but he cant. were the same size me and aaron. same waist length and hip length its cool.. now we can wear each others clothes!! and and be shopping buddies!! yay.. haha jk. ew i said "shopping buddies"...
today was gay.
I woke up and everything was fine. weird dream but pleasant. especially since the night before i had a night mare and my cousins faces got chewed off by some anonymous teacher.. ahhh just thinking about it gives me the chills. but yeah i was just chillin in my room and everything was fine. my mom wanted to go shopping sometime later and i was gonna but she came up to my room and started being all crazy at me and she just made me so mad i left. jerk of a mom. and and yeah.
timmy sold his car. and and and thats all. im too tired to write this actually. not that im going to bed. just not gonna type no more. typing is bad. something something the end. today sucked.but all is good now.
i cant sleep.
heres some pictures from last nite. i was bored. i wish i had a better camera. the pictures used to look better on this webcam. but for some reason theyre all staticy and such. tried to fix em as best i could. o well.
you suck
are you even taking drum lessons?
im bored
sorry but yea
i dont know
do you?
holy hand granade! whats with all the "anonymous" comments.. if its not who im thinking then... shoe? no.. yeah? i hate anonymous messages! they are the worst! i am too curious for this.. thats IT! i am not allowing guests to comment! hA!
are you even taking drum lessons?
im bored
sorry but yea
i dont know
do you?