I have asperger's syndrome. I know it sounds weird but I am really relieved. Like, happy. Because things make sense. Especially how she explained things. and connected them. We got so lucky in finding her. She told us how we would quality for programs that help with job coaching and pay for school. Programs in school that give you more time to complete homework or tests in a quiet room. She said I do not have any learning disabilities. All my scores were about average. My short term memory was above average. She did this test where she says number and i repeat them back to her. She said most people cant remember after 5 or 6 numbers. I remembered up to 12. She said the weaknesses were comprehension i think. and the main thing was obviously social things. Knowing what to do in social situations and such. She also said my cognitive skills were scattered. Most were fine but some things were hypersensitive. Like sounds and touch, lights and visual stuff. She said that in many peple on the autism scale that go untreated into adulthood start having lots of psychiatric problems. She said my depression and anxiety and anger is consistant with that. She said that because I am average in most areas and above average in my ability to think abstractly, but weak in social areas.. people would expect things from me. Or think i wasn't trying because I was smart and should know what to do. I don't know how many times I heard "has potential but isn't applying it". But yeah. she said a lot of other things I can't remember. She told me i should get into a group for girls with aspergers. I am going to try to find one today. I am really excited. I always felt helpless. I feel like things are finally going to get better. :)
She gave me a calendar thingy. It was designed for people like me. It's called "Hidden Curriculum One-A-Day Calendar" and under that it says "items for understanding unstated rules in social situations" She said its mostly for teens in shchool and i would probably know most of the things in there. but some of the stuff is funny because i used to not know them.
well thats all. I'm gonna go play modern warefare 2 now. Bye.