[1407] One Banana Stand At A Time

We went to look at puppies and kitties at the animal shelter today. they were all pretty old or kinda ugly. there was a cute puppy.. but he had a skin disease :[ and the kittens were cute but when we wanted to ask about them, they were closing. So maybe tomorrow. Timmy said i had cute hair. I don't know what he is talking about its crazy messy ish. maybe if i was at beach or something. speaking of the beach. tomorrow. after we do our final inspection of the condo.. that should take no more than 30 minutes and then beach time. yay for extreme brownness! and then hopefully i can still get some bcps.. we're getting married soon.. when i finally need them.. i wont have them :[ and then we'll have to use condoms. and it will be like in Seinfeld when the kids poke the condoms with needles and we'll just happen to buy those and *POOF* a baby! altho that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.. *shifty eyes*..jk jk jk.. 3 years.. on the way home from the animal shelter we rented mamas boy. don't rent it. its crazy gay. you wouldn't think so because anna ferris is so awesome. but john heder altho amazing in most other movies.. sucks butt in this movie. he never gets not annoying. and its annoying. and you wanna punch him in the face. after the movie and popcorn we packed more and moved the boxes into the living room. we're gonna sell those ugly leather couches. we went to the swap meet yetesrday and saw a few we liked. not old ones. people who sell couches.. and make them and stuff. we also went to urban home and saw some cool ones. we went to lots of places on sunday actually. we found some bar stools at ross for $30 that were $80 at urban home! it was sexual. and later i found the same ones online for $112.. Sheesh! 4 more days until the move and we'll be the official owners of our new condo. they old owners were supposed to be out on the 20th but asked if they could stay until 3am the 21st. wouldn't it be awkward if we walked in on them doing it on the living room floor? what? you were thinking it too. we'll have the keys and all. so turns out i never had a passport. o well. i guess my pursuit of flight attendant will just have to wait. boo. my aunt suzy never answers her phone. my cousins are gonna help us move this weekend. at least 2 of them anyways. I feel like crying. I'm always really emotional right before and during my period. this time more than usual. but theres been a lot of stress. at least I've been getting enough sleep. otherwise I'd be a stinky stink face. Timmy was slapping my tummy when we were watching the movie even tho i told him it was hurting and ever since then its all sore :{ I'm gonna bite his face. but not really cause i loves himmm. me and tim dont fight everyday or even close. its like once in a long while.. and by fight i mean longer than 20 minutes and usually involves me sitting in my car crying. we usually have little tiffs that are over in 5 minutes. its easy to get over since we both have like a 5 second rebound rate. all it takes is a heart felt apology, a smile, or an inside joke to break the tension and make things go back to normal. and real normal. not just... "as good as its going to get" normal. not just.. "well i guess that apology will do" normal. not just.. "I'm too tried to care" normal.. its just normal. because its sincere. I've never had that with anyone else. i know we're just starting out.. but I don't think thats something that will go away. i think we make it possible never to have fights because we learns from our mistakes and are considerate of each others feelings. sometimes no one gets that in a relationship.. not really. maybe on the surface just as a way to keep peace but not because they truly desire to understand and fix the problem. i don't think we've always been so good at it.. but over the years, even over the last few months.. its been a process that we have to work at.. but its worth it. i think we're at a really good place right now. packing a kitchen sucks a huge banana stand. its gross when older guys hit on really young girls. gross with a capital yuck. well I'm off to save the world. bye.
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