Listening to: greenday- when september ends
ITS OVER! YAY! what a crummy month. but its over and a new season awaits me... yay for that.
i cant write right now. im too tired. but yeah.. goodnite.
actually i cant say september was crummy. i met tim. and he is really awesome. i guess just the first week sucked. thats what i meant really.. but im just happy to start a new month... a clean slate.. AND! my birthday month! yay! woot woot woot.
Tim is taking me to a hawthorne heights show!!!!! for my birthday :) it was supposed to be a suprise but he cant keepsa secret.
yesterday was good. yoga was really good.
I read some more of that book my mom gave me. arg. i like it dang it. why must i freaking like it? I am actually gonna go read it when im done with this entry. cuz i always have to put it down and do other stuff.. and i find im disappointed. gr.
i hung out with brett. i held the camera yay. i want a camera. i love the feeling of a camera around my neck. too bad i take crap pictures... altho.. i took alot of the pics on bretts myspace and he's gotten alot of compliments.. so thats exciting.
i went to the interview but i have to go back monday cuz the lady told me 4:30 but it was at 4. crazy lady. the tall pretty girl scares me.
i went with tim to buy headphones and and he got oneof those cool speaker dealys for his ipod.. its sexy cute. i want one. thatd be cool if it was the green of a lime. we went to my house and listened to music and then we got jack in the box. oi.. i got spicy jalapenos.. and usually they are spicy but not enough to effect me.. AND O MY GOSH.. it was nuts.. they were ridiculously spicy.. andi couldnt even eat em cuz they were crazy. tear.
today i slept in and then i went to lunch with my mom, aunt mercy, nina bea, and some guy named george. but i wasnt feeling good before we left so i got car sick and by the time i finished eating i was about to die.. and then on top of feeling gross.. i got a bloody nose. yeah.. but o well.
at lunch we were talking about something and my aunt mercy was saying how she was born out of wedlock and they started talking about that.. and how none of the women in my family waited till marriage to have sex and a few got pregnant out of marriage... and thats alot cuz my great grandma had 13 kids.. 7 girls. and my grandma had 3 girls. and in my immediate family.. my mom and grandma AND great grandma.. all 3 of the didnt wait and all 3 of them got pregnant out of marriage... and i never knew that before. well i guess i never thought of it. and i mean.. i have always wanted to wait for many reasons.. but now.. its like... it would be such an honor to be the first woman in my family to wait ya know? to break that generational curse. cuz i am the oldest girl cousin.. and it would be awesome to set that example for my cousins.. and show them that they can do it too. i mean ive come this far. 20 days and im 19 and a virgin.. thats not saying alot but then again it kinda is considering how many people give it up so young and for the wrong reaons. and im not perfect not saying i havent done other things that i also regret.. but still Im so proud and thankful that God's protected me from that. but yeah, sorry to get all weird on ya but thats the joy that comes with having a diary and not caring what other people think..
that was one among other good conversations. actaully, me and my mom had a lot of good conversations today. im glad i went.
went to my brothers soccer game. tim met us there and then we were gonna see amovie but all the movies out are kinda lame.. so we rented something lief aquatic.. the one with bill murray. i was too tireed to get inot it. but i could tell it was really funny if u pay attention.. i'lll watch it again laters. tim likes techno too woot. he played me this one song in the car and it was sooo cute and girly.. its so awesome when guys can out of nowhere like the corniest song ever. i think it was called look at us by serina paris.. i downloaded it. woo hoo.
why isnt myspace working??? is it just me or is everyone experiencing problems.. stupid site...
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