this is what happens when im bored lol...
trying to be sexual, lol o well..
in tim's bathroom...
I had nothing better to do that day....
I bought new lamps for my room!!!
nnnn mmmmmmmmmmore being bored :)
O my goodness... drop dead brodyness! :)
so today was a nice day. I GOT THAT JOB! wait.. i already told myself that, o well. im excited ya know? WOOTEN! I start monday :)
that was this morning. then i went to class and after that i stopped at ross and got some clothes and some stuff for my room. like closet shelves and lamps and stuff. the white dress above is one of the things i got. i like it. but not alone.. over pants. but of course. i dont like being here.. but ilike how my room turned out. i wish it was somewhere else but.. for being here.. its pretty neato.
my cousin is comin tomorrow. or.. today actually. that should be fun. i wanted to go to sleep early.. o well. well thats all for now.
COMING SOON! pictures of me and tim on the beach. they arent good.. cuz i took most of them.. BUT! its ok cuz *drum rolls* theres an ugly squirrel... and that makes everything awesome.
oh, and how do u put pics?
ha he ducky tryin to be sexual ha he