Listening to: the dangerous summer- of confidence
I can do the frug.
I can do the rowboat.
The design idea I had isnt really coming thru like i wanted. boo. I'll make it work somehow. SOMEHOW MUAHAHAHAH! jk..
heh im listening to a bayside song. that line always makes me laugh... "if i had a gun and shot it at ur face, would u promise not to get out of the way" lol. who says that. but its awesome. bayside, you sillies.
i wanna cut/dye my hair like this... not as blonde since im a lot darker than her i. I'm more tyra banks color, so maybe her color hair & jessicas style. i like the quote in the middle toooo.
I dunno if i could pull it off. but I need change. one you can see when you look in the mirror. and since i dont trust those knife wielding plastic surgeons, this seemed to be the better decision...
corrie is getting married. sound the trumpets.
i want to throw rocks at them.
My mother just called and asked if I want to go to a surprise bday party for Pastor Tim. Well gee. sitting around a bunch of couples who are either married, pregnant, or engaged.. sounds lovely but no thanks. lol. i thought about it and it would be less than helpful.

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