[49]granny smith apple

Feeling: rebellious
I didn't know you could be in a "randy" mood.. I guess I kinda feel like randy, I dont know any randy's but if I did I think yeah... I feel randy. so here we go. having the same old fight again. O. there she goes. Same old game that never ends. I don't know why I wrote that but I like that song and it was stuck in my head all day. Well, wow. This week is psycho. And the funny part is.. no one knows it but me. On a happy note.. the brother called yesterday :) YAYA! I was worried cuz a soldier died again and we didn't hear from him for like a week. But its ok now, he is safe and such. And coming home soon :) I reaallly really can't wait. I'm about to explode with otterpops...mmmm. Ya I really miss him. More than ever as the day till he comes home gets closer. but anywho. So last nite me and brett went to the mall and best buy and then jack in the crack. It was fun. I love being with brett. He is awesomely amazing in a can. A big can. I bought another book yesterday. Its called reality sandwiches. i like it. it smells good. i am gonna go play drums now. have a day. and make it good. ---the little engine who unexpectedly ran out of gas and slowly plummited back down the hill to its bloody DEATH!...hehe isnt that cute?
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holy crap your background is awesome.
i'm glad that it speaks to your spleen. i don't think i've ever had anything of mine do that befor. not anything i can think of but it's cool there's always a first time for everything.