I refuse to go to the doctor.. the next professional anything I see will be an Irlen Lenses tester dude guy girl thing. And that's expensive so I can't be going to all sorts of lame appointments for lame back muscle pully deals. even if it does feel like stabbing time on my spine.. well not really on my spine. but close enough.
So i made a bunch of ads today using a family image i thought I got from a stock photo site. Apparently it was not from a stock photo site. it wasn't even from a google search.. no no. it was from a well known life insurance company. UHG. They're pretty nice ads too, not to toot my own horn but I really like how they turned out.... but I'm kinda worried.. even though they aren't for life insurance.. they are for mortgage insurance. and what if people link us to that company? what if that company sees our ads? uhg dammit. I'm probably going to have to change it. I mean.. i don't see why it would be a big deal. 90% of the things my boss has put on the site is ripped off of another site. And he always makes me rip off other sites. So he wouldn't mind.. not really worried about him... more worried about people who know that company getting suspicious. But its such a nice picture :( I actually just spent like 30 minutes just looking around for a similar photo thats just as nice.. but got nothing. UPDATE! I found multiple websites with pictures of the same family.. ITS A STOCK PHOTO WHOOO!! We're in the clear :)
Uhg. I'm so... what's wrong with me? Everyone in the office is out there socializing. I know they are all in the main office and I am in here... so its not like I can be out there all the time and talk like they do.. but once in a while like tina does.. but i can't. maybe because they are older? that definitely doesn't help matters. not that i can see any change if they were my age. if they were younger I would be cool tho...
I redid my resume :) Made it all pretty because I am going to submit it to this gamer magazine. Its a dream job. about 5 minutes closer than this job. And its not too scary.. like this one was intimidating but the ad for the game mag was just "html and photoshop experience and at least general knowledge of video games" BOOM. I'm gonna own this job. Well. that is if its not already taken. but it gave me a great idea to submit my resume to other gamer mags and blogs/sites.. i submited it to game developers but that might be reaching right now.
Anyways... trying to kill a few minutes.. my brain needs a rest and my body hurts. and i actually dunno what i should be working on. actually thats not true. i have a few things to be doing. i should actually go do them. urg.
Once again. John left early. Can't talk about fulltimeness and benefities. ergz.