today was nice. we went to the beach again. no strawberry stands.. last time we stopped to get strawberries but ended up getting cherries and they hurt my tummy :[ plus we got ripped off and paid $3.50 for a small thing of cherries because the strawberries we didn't get would have cost us $10 we didn't have at the time. why couldn't the lady just give us $3.50 worth of strawberries? makes no sense. she was gay. next time we're buying from the Mexicans further up the road!!
we stopped by the animal shelter. there were a lot of kittens. but none of them were really like.. super cute. just kinda cute. no puppies. but we both agree a cat would probably be better right now.. and if it didn't get along with jef, he could be inside all day. but a dog would poo all over :{
we went to one of the private beaches or whatever. they aren't really private but you have to pay for parking. but those ones smell like seaweed and there are gross see through bugs EVERYWHERE! we stayed for a little bit but ended up going to the main beach. it wasn't as crowded as when we first got there. i didn't get a tan again... grr. i read and took notes from that seo book but it was windy so that didn't last too long. then timmy got cold cuz he never brings a sweater and we left but it was kinda late anyways.
i found my glasses. i think they look good with my suit. i don't need glasses. but its like a purse. they're an accessory. sometimes i get headaches when i read so maybe i do need glasses.
when we got home i watched a show thats too embarrassing to mention.. i but i got sucked in what can i say. and timmy washed the dishes :] because he is wonderfullen. he actually pretty much cleaned the kitchen because he is spectacular. we made dinner. not like last night. last night we made dinner together and it was really yummy. we read together. watched a movie. and talked until 1 about stupid things i shouldn't have brought up. I'm just gay sometimes. like really.. sometimes I'm so gay. not that it was bad.. just unnecessary i guess. but i like talking to timmy about anything so in general it was nice.
my toes itch.. :/
wal-mart is stupid.
apple one called and said they were sending my resume to that seo company. that was yesterday so hopefully i get a call sometime this week about an interview or something.
i want Everwood. i can't wait till it gets here yay!
I'm still jeni belty :[ stupid mail takes forever..
heather's wedding is on Saturday. I hate going to weddings alone. at least no ex's are going to be present. because that was pretty awkward.
we talked about a lot of stuff yesterday. and then he brought up Brett. aaaaand o g's. i feel stupid for bringing up his stuff when mine is so much worse. i don't think I'll be bringing up Stephanie for.. close to never :/
which sucks cuz i always have something horribly awesome to say about her. and how much i hate her.
i thought i lost my ring! i couldn't go through that again. g's. losing 2 rings? that'd probably make me want to stab myself in the face with forks. and stuff.
I'm gonna go do the cuddlebugs with my timmybearrrrrrr. and no cuddlebugs is not slang for sex. hee. that'd be a weird nickname.. it just means cuddle.. g's.
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