[1592] Karrett

For a while now Timmy has been sick of working at Honda. He enjoys being a mechanic but not at a dealership. So we've been trying to think of other options. We know if we move to Colorado he can run his own business out of his dad's shop. But that's future stuff.. right now.. we've been sort of lost.. i give a suggestion every one in a while but he's never really had any interest in any thing I've come up with.. that is.. until today.. I remembered when we first met my mom was asking him what he wanted to be and he said a cop... well it was surprising to me since we had been dating a few months at that point and I didn't even know that. So i was looking into it. And ya know.. it doesn't take much. So i was going to different police sites looking for jobs.. and then i found a post for "senior helicopter mechanic". I told Timmy about the cop stuff and he was mildly interested.. but when i mentioned helicopter mechanic.. he was really interested. And then we thought of aircraft mechanic. I'm surprised we never thought of it before. How cool would that be? helicopter mechanics alone make $30-40/hr starting out. And aircraft mechanics probably make way more than that. So we're setting goals. It feels good have a destination. He would need to get 2 certificates and either attend a aviation school or be like an apprantice for 18 months. Well we looked into the aviation school since you get more starting out if you do that option.. they have one in van nuys and one in lancaster. But the classes are during his work hours.. they have night classes M-TH from 5:30-like 8 or 9. but that would be insane... he's already tired enough after work. But i was talking to kari, garett's gf who btw is super awesome... she is a dispatcher in beaumont and garett is a cop. She said she didn't need any experience and she is making really good money. Plus its on the phone mostly and she spends most of her time playing computer games. If I got a job doing that i could still work on my website stuff.. and tim could quit his job and go to school and get a like weekend job or not. Probably wouldn't even need to if I was making as much as Kari said I could. I think Sal is doing the same thing.. but I never really thought about it before. Cuz I thought it was more stressful.. Sal's made it sound pretty.. hard i guess. (especially when i told him about having aspergers... he was lik "i wonder how u would do at this job" and i was like "what do u mean" and he kinda implied that i like i couldn't handle it or something psh..) but kari said its not.. its fun and easy... there are some crazy calls but its not like its in person.. you get a call.. you deal with it for like 5 minutes and ur done. and you get really good benefits. Just hard to find a position out here... stupid ventura has different rules than where Kari lives.

But anywho... I went to the adult school. got an application. going to turn it in and probably start on monday. Pretty excited. Its for the web design certificate program :) looking forward to having a certificate. and the campus is literally right down the street. 5 minutes away. i am going to call Janet from the DOR monday also and ask if they will pay for tuition.

Kari and Garett are really fun. Met Garett thru Casey.. we played MW2 together all the time. The like last week I started talking to Kari on fb and aim till like 3 am in the morning. She's funny and not stuck up like a lot of girls.. hard to find good girl friends. Too bad they live so far away. I deleted Casey from fb. He is a jerk. Doesn't return my messages anymore. Sent him one on aim the other day saying that maybe fb is gay and didn't send my messages to him.. but he didn't reply to that either. so alas.. he was deleted. i don't have time for shitty friends. besides.. maybe he wasn't much of a friend to begin with. he would joke about liking me and stuff. and get mad when i would hang out with ian because ian "wasn't really my friend"... and casey would always say he cared about me and that he would stand up for me when they would talk about me... but i dunno.. maybe he was just saying that.. maybe once he realized i would never give in to his "jokes" he dropped the act? i can't think of any other reason. we'll he put up quite a show.. really thought he was my friend.

My website is coming together. Slicing = friend. Slicing = no headaches.

well Imma go work on my website now.. so see you kids on the flip side..

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