going to ventura beach with timmy. well as soon as he gets off work at like 6:30ish ish ish.. 10 more minutes. until then.. i shall be bored.
so i drove me and the tim to the beach around 7:30ish. We got there about an hour later but then we kinda got lost haha. so that took a little time.. tim thought we should get directions but but i hate doing that. but then we figured it out and without stopping to ask directions. we ate at the Aloha Steakhouse or something. Yeah o my gosh that place is no micky D's. I got a baseball. not really. just a steak that was called the teryaki baseball cuzit was puffy like a baseball. and tim got crabs.. it costed $30 for just crabs! yeah. thats probably the most money someones spent to fill my tummy. we went to the beach and i almost convinced him to jump in. but he chickened out. haha jk. but speaking of chickens.. o wait. not yet. we saw people having sex on the beach. maybe. cant be too sure actually. My name is jeni and i have a problem.. i enjoy long walks on the beach. lol. jk. but no. it was pretty romantic. i mean cmon its the beach. but yeah speaking of chickens... timmy found a stick and i named him chicken because timmy said he looked like a chicken. introducing: chicken
yeah he is awesome. and u know it. yeah and then we went home yup.
the end.
well not really but my tummy kinda hurts and i haves a headache so im gonna finish this laterer.

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