talking to Social Security operators is like sticking needles in your eyes. I want to rip that womans face off. what a bunch of bs. she was so rude from the beginning. i got absolutely nothing accomplished after being put on hold for half my life... someone needs to sock her in the face
in other news... no actually the same subject. my name is still the same and i don't know how to change it. the problem isn't just changing my last name. i want to change my first name too because they misspelled it at birth and its a small change and i just want it corrected. no big deal. and apparently i have to go to petition the courts to do so. psh. its just a letter. geezus
I'm hungry
timmy was looking at me in the car and said i love you.. and I was like... "stop looking at me when I'm eating tacos".. and heeee said that that's how he knows were soul mates.. and i was like why? and he was like.. because i love you when you eat tacos. lol.
i guess you had to be there.
but you weren't cuz that'd be awkward... *shifty eyes*
"oh look a banana stand!"
fish taco. fish taco. fish taco.
no i am not on drugs.
so. a gent called today about a job. it pays really.. really good and its for an SEO company that is looking for analyst. at first when i heard "SEO company", i was like.. o suck.. a job I don't qualify for.. but then he said that was all they were looking for was someone with html background and web development knowledge. DING DING DING!! so hopefully that goes somewhere.
we went to borders and timmy bought me an seo book. he says he's proud of me. i told him all i did was make him buy me a book. he's easily pleased.
oh yeah! Timmy's ring came today :] It is pretty and heavy! and hefty. and manly. and he likes it. and he looks so married when he wears it. lol. i guess thats the idea..
we got some movies. and after we wrestled like animals! And i won. because I am awesome and no one stand a fighting chance.. actually i was kinda winded after.. all that candy takes a toll.
timmy is sleeping.
we bought ink so now i can print and fill out the ss5 form to change my name on my social security card.
when we were in blockbuster, we saw a movie called "i want someone i can eat cheese with" or something weird. idk why i'm writing this right now..
latest discovery of the day: headbands are for homos.
wear with caution or not at all. lol. it kills.
and as a closing thought... when you want it, GRAB it and don't let go. If you already did, live a life of regret. If you don't regret, you're probably a d bag. if you are ok with that, someone is being assigned to kick you're b hole.
Rawwwwrmph! is a taco-y word.
who the heck knows what i just said.
and this is my new bathing suit that has yet to see a beach :[ look how fat.. my belly button is so cavey.. but i like polka dots
i loved the incredible hulk so much, i turned green...
not for non-christian readers:
ok so.. i'm reading this book that my mother gave me about *cringes* "sex" but its actually not that bad. i've barely gotten thru the 1st chapter. i read so slow.. but its nice to hear some things. like 1 corinthians 7:9 "it is better to marry than burn with passion." there's a lot of scriptures like that mentioned in there.. and its nice because a lot of people are against marriage lately. and its bs. because God created us to be together. a penis goes into a vagina.. figure it out. we were made to be with someone. he commanded adam and eve to "be fruitful and increase in number" to populate the earth. getting married and making babies is what we're supposed to do. well not the only thing, but its important and what He wants. i hate when christians tell themselves that celibacy is more honorable than HONORING God's will for man. He did not call us to be alone or celibate. I knew this stuff but I never have the words or something like this to back it up.. and now i do.