I dont know whats up with us and that West side gangster sign but you'll be seeing alot of it. Jenae's key phrase of the weekend,"Now flash a gangsta sign!"

Aw dont we look cute together? To bad we're related! Sicko's!

Later we had donivan take pictures of us

p-p-p-patty cake?

HEE. She loves myself.

And I love herself!

times 2!!

Chaplin is THE MAN! (and we're his biznatches)

Puppies are cute!

may you be slapped if the word "pathetic" comes to mind!

WOOO! Its like our aniversary! About. Kinda. Around this time last year in the parking lot of saugus high school. Jenae Diaz got on her knees and we became Mr and Ms jeni and jenae diaz for life-ver. that means forever. I love my husband type unit. not unic.

You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.

A hug from jenae brightens my day!

El Husband-o like those piratey peeps


Hold me now! WHOA-OH! HOLD MY HEART! STAY WITH ME! that doesnt go with this pic but thats is mine and jenaes song. I didnt know what to write.

I'm so emo! ... HipHaa... I-I-I mean.. HARDCORE!

Dont adjust your tv sets! This picture is lopsided!

gary and me...

And we will end with the cutest little girl wearing my sunglasses

I have stuff to say but I dont feel like it right now. And no room in this entry or it'll be super uber slow sooooo....BYE!
party on!