wow its been a while..
my brother is home yay!
Brett was in a car accident. I called him and talked to him today tho. finally. that was crazy. I was really worrying. alot. yeah. worrying is scary. i know i knew he was ok. but its different. just really hope everything works out so i can go visit him cuz it really shook me up and i know he isnt doing to good right now. oi. things are so difficult for him and he really doesnt deserve it. anywho. after i got off the phone i was fine. I walked into my kitchen and my mom looked at me and I started crying. heh im gay and ah.. i cried on my moms shoulder. that was weird. but i needed it. cuz yeah, scariness. yeah.
i worked yesterday. 8 hours. usually they only scehdule me for 4 or 5 so i was kinda worried if I'd be able to work so long but time goes by really fast there. it didnt seem to long at all. but my feet hurt 10 times worse and i was wearing my sneakers. so thats not good.
i played drums today until my borhter got here. he likes my hair. woot. I dont like it anymore. ha. it got old. I cant do anything with it either. and its hard to get certain parts straight cuz their so short. o well. that what i get.
well after searching for prom dresses (and no the search isnt over but) i found one or 3 that are nice. cuz i really like lime green and polka dots and stripes and vintage and weirdness and 1950's so i was looking for those kinda dresses and i didnt really find anything i liked but i found a couple dresses with polka dots. i think i could get better tho. one is black and white polka dots and it has an off the shoulder shally thing. the only bad thing is i dont know what the bottom looks like. but its nice. its kinda dumb but prom is supposed to be big and cost money and i was thinking a dress would cost alot. that one is only $37. but i think its good that i found a dress i like that doesnt cost too much cuz i mean.. i dont have money to spend anyways. and i still need shoesies and such. but i dunno if i want it. I'll keep looking.
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