Long day. Had a doctor appointment. She doesn't think I have a sleep apnea. She thinks I am anemic. Or if not that, hyperthyroidism or something but mostly she thinks I am anemic. She wants to test for those before we consider sleep apnea. Apparently its more common in older and obese people. I'm getting prtty pudgy but not obese. Going in tomorrow before work to do some blood tests. errr. Cause I haven't had my period in like 50 something days she insisted we do a pregnancy test. we laughed and Timmy said if i was it would be an emmaculate conception because we know I'm not pregnant.. I've been too tired for months.
Dierre got under my skin today. He's cool and everything but sometimes I think he makes other people "appear" stupid to make himself look good. Like he had to fix something. But most of the time it doesn't need fixing. Or I'll want to make sure I am doing something right so I will say "you do it like this, right?" but instead of saying "yes you are correct" he just repeats the same steps i just said.. like i didn't know. That wasnt a big deal tho. What was annoying was today when i was talking to an AM about this video ad. He submitted the ticket in the morning and i kept telling him the video couldn't be sbmitted for approval for whatever reason. so he submitted 3 different versions. All with a NEW problem. So he finally submits one and the video finally works correctly but on the first click it plays the movie instead of taking you to the LP. Well for CPC its a rule that the first click needs to go to the LP. so i tell him this and he calls me... all upset asking why i didn't tell him that sooner... i told him this wasn't an issue with the other versions he submitted and i wouldn't have known to tell him this until i received the version with the problem.. i thought i was explaining it fine and Dierre turns around and reaches for the phone so i say "dierre wants to talk to you" and hand him the phone. I dind't know Dierre was going to make me look stupid for no reason or i would have said I could handle it. And then Dierre says "just send the new video ads to me and I'll do it" and so the guy emails them to him but sends it to VCM team so i can read the email convo and in the email he says "here is the creative for the ticket i submitted this morning that still isn't approved" . and dierre is talking to the guy like he is retarded and the guy isbeing so pleasant to him. i was actually being nice.. i was trying to explain what was going on.. dierre was being short and using as many technical terms he could and i know the am didn't know what half of them meant but he told him EXACTLY what i told him. just in a fancy, snooty way. And the AM ate it up. Honestly and i knoooow this sounds bad but its true. I think he was an indian guy or something like that.. and he was just one of those guys who doesn't hear anything unless it comes from a guy. uhg. I hate being a girl sometimes. And after dierre got off the phone, i said "Did i say it wrong?" and he's like "dont worry about it, i got it" and its like.. how does he expect me to learn or fix a problem if he is not around to "fix it for me". Later i was reading the rest of the email convo and he never did actually solve the issue. they circled around the same way i had and ended up at the same spot. And as Dierre tried to "fix" the problem i heard him cussing to himself over my shoulder. so annoying. Needless to say that is the last time I let Dierre take a call for me. and if i have questions or anything i will ask James. James is humble and nice. And he knows I just started so he explains things, tells me if i did something right when i ask instead of repeating what i just said and he does all this wihtout sounding like an ass.
speaking of ass... then earlier that day this other AM who was hounding me all day Friday to get this one ticket submitted for approval because it MUST be live monday.. (a HUGE ticket she wanted sbumitted by 5 that day... and it was 2 when she sent me what i needed... thanks. so i worked on that ticket and nothing else.) emails me and says the client sent the wrong creative and to basically cancel that one... grrrrr. i mean most of the time the job is great. and i really like it. But today sucked.
stay pleasant! lol I have to stay pleasant! And be nice regardless of annoying coworker days.
I like this job to much to let it get to me.
I'm so hungry! but i have to fast for the blood tests :(
I took a nap on the couch at 7:30. wanted to be up at 8 but told timmy i would just go to sleep instead. but then i got up at 9 cuz tim was watching top shot and i kept getting woken up. just now getting tired enough for bed.. its almost 3.. gotta get up in a few hours. doesn't matter. would have been tired either way :(
i miss Moose. I want a baby. I like frogs.