Soooo... after i went to my house i came home.. to my home. cuz i guess its ok to call this home now. cuz i live here and all. and i was so confused yesterday cuz i kept referring to my moms house as home and this apartment as.. timmys or... this apartment. but then i was like wait! icant call the mothers house home! and then... with the mothers house being the mothers house and this the apartment.... i was homeless. and so.. this is now.. home. yeah.. im weird.
heres some pictures of christmas at my grandmas.. and random other stuff...

scary face

silly face

gangster face

cornia hates pictures

alisha doesnt hold still

pretty in pink

what a ham

10 seconds after this pic she started crying cuz she was stuck and manuel shut the door. lol. aww.

awww cutest picture of corina and alisha

all z cousins

not last night but the night before me and timmy and aaron played video games. and thennnnnnn... we went to sleep. and then i woke up and i didnt have to go to work cuz we got monday off. so did aaron. i saw him in his boxer type shorts. but yeah since we had the day off we hung out for a little while. we got in n out and then he showed me where he works and then we played some race car game and i was doing pretty good and i beat him every time we drag raced. and then we tried to play othello but we are says a minute to learn and a lifetime to master. stupid liars. i picked up the apartment a little cuz their father type figure was coming from colorado. and then iwent to my mothers house to hang out with manuel but him and jason went to play soccer. so i went to buy aaron his christmas gift, office space. and i rented a few movies cuz at albertsons u can rent movies for 99 cents on mondays.. woot. i went back to the house and watched school of rock with manuel. and took picutres of my wittle bunny wabbits. the fat one peed on me. heres some pictures...

bunnies and mama

this one looks just like jefrie his papa

a wittle bear

yogi loves them too

the water is in glass bottles.
timmy came home and we played that racing game again. and he beat my drag time after a couple tries. sheesh. i dont understand how he's so good at video games. we played halo 2 and i am vicious with the sparkly sword. but i am still "the easy kill" we watched how to lose a guy in 10 days o man. that movies so funny.
the moon is fulllen.. heee.