I like beads and colorssss.
Keane-On a Day Like Today
"I saw you
Were sick and tired of my wrong turns
If you only knew
The way I feel i'd really love to tell you
But I
Can never find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why"
I think i could use a hug from [no one imparticular].. just need one.
I went to church. I felt like a zombie.. walking around with no purpose.. no direction. no clue. I didnt want to go in. I felt a million eyes search me when i opened the door to peak in.. but no one really turned around. I was going to just leave. i was late enough.. i saw manuel and noah in the parking lot so i went into utrun with them. i sat in the back with my mom.
I started paying more attention to the message.. it was right to me. I guess it was like i was supposed to go to uturn instead. the message basically said that God cant have anything to do with sin. christians typically think that because they have sinned, they are further from God. But PT said that the bible says we were born into "a world of sin"... so because God cant be around sin.. we cant be together unless we accept him into our lives. Once we do that, we are new. And no matter how big the sin, we cant be separated from God again.. because he died for our sins.. and a lot of people think its your actios or things you do that make you closer to God.. but its just the faith you have. A kid got a message about abraham, he said that abraham didnt have any sons, he asked God who would inherit his land and stuff when he was gone.. abraham didnt do anything or sacrifice anything to GOd, he just had faith and God gave him a son or sons or something.
i just think its soo true.. that people, christians, get into the mind set that they have to be perfect to be accepted by God. Its not like you should go around sinning knowing you are safe.. because then you probably arent. but if you slip and fall, its ok. I fell hard. I think a small part of me based my faith on the fact that I was abstinent. a small part but still a part. It was like a badge saying.. "Im a christian see." I guess sometimes i felt like if it was gone, I wouldnt be who i thought.. i would be less of a christian, and further away. But it has nothing to do with that. I could be so far away from the right path but still as close as i want to be to God. what I do or have done doesnt define my faith. At least, it doesnt have to.
I didnt even want to go to church this morning. I only finally decided to go because i told pdk i would copy the paper with the stuff we talked about when i went to his house. Buit i couldnt even find him. Im glad I went tho. I got a lot from the message.. even tho Im having a hard time accepting it and believing it and just walking in it.. at least I heard it.
its official.. there is absolutely nothing to do right now. nowhere to go.. nothing to eat. cept waffles :( cant take a nap or I'll be up all night.. even tho Im exhausted.. jasons at a show. he's actually performing tonight instead of hosting. i would have liked to see that.. boo.
haha. i think its kind of hilarious when people obviously dont want to talk to you.. o well. i wasnt even expecting a response and i got one so that'll do, pig. that'll do. or something. i really would like some conversation right about now tho.. someone talk to meeeeee.