I went to school and flippin failed my freakin test.. I guess it doesnt help that I didnt even open the packet till I got to school which meant no study time.. jeni=moron. No worries. In the car the song jeanie or whatever's got a gun came on. I love that song. And I just want to kick it in the face. Uturn was spectacular spectacular. hehe. Helped set up. No one was there so I hung with tito aka jake. wait no, I am tito.. fruitloop! I freakin forgot his nickname.. I think its dico biscuit.. not sure. Jake and me played with the bean bag and I can do a push up with him on my back.. I am so oh so sexual. Gosh that word... its stuck in my head but its funny so What-ev. haha. I was holding the beanbag and he was draggin my feetsies and I let go.. oops.. and got a massive rug rasberry. POO! But its otay. Jake gave me free peeps and I bit off their heads. I was bored and looking thru my purse and found 2 poems brett wrote me. Forgot I put them in there. It was sadness but made me happy at the same time. I also had his shadooky in there and i was playing with it and Donovan took it and ran off... and hid it.. Donovan=butt. But eventuallythe shadooky was returned safely in the comfort f my purse. GRRRRRRRR, I miss my baki. But anywhoness.. ummmmsies... oh yeah.. After Uturn (which was directed at me AGAIN! I just know PDK has a video cam in my house and is watching me at all times.. its the only explanation) But grr I forget he said already, I need to start recording the messages from now on. But anyways after Uturn Jake comes running to mee screaming "I BROKE AMANDA'S NOSE!" And I was laughing cuz.. I thought he was joking but... then I saw this dude housing down all the blood.. Apparently they were playing around on the rail and told Donovan to fall back and they'd catch him.. but instead they both banged their heads on the rail... Amanda didnt break her nose but close to it and jake has a gash across his forehead. Poor kido's. I felt so loved! Usually I go to eat afterwards with all the highschool/jr high kids to jack in the crack. and the "young adults" go somewhere else like denny's mostly. But this time Sherylin invited me to go with the young adults. Woot, I felt honored. And it was fun and krazy keen. me=losery dork with a fork. *missing people who will remain nameless I want to play hopscotch in my socks! *still missing the crazy mysterious unmentioned person* Gosh I need a hobbie. Maybe I should start knitting.. dear GOD what am I saying? Breathe jeni BREEEEEAATHE!! If I just breeeeeathe everything will alright you'll see.. something something... I forgot the words, but I like the song. what would you dooOOOoOoOOOOoo for a klondike bar??? |
Listening to: areosmith- JENI\'s got a gun
Feeling: weird
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