lol wanna bake me cupcakes.. lol sal said that today and i dunno for some reason it was funny...
So today was ok. I ate alot. i made breakfast for me and manuel but my brother ate manuels. i dont really recollect everything i did.. i think i went over that monolouge for church. that was interesting. i played drums but gosh my arms are so sore. everything is.. its weird. i thought it was bad a couplde days ago but today was the worst.. my whole body burns and aches... and i have no clue why. so it was probably a bad idea to try and skateboard with jason and manuel. i cant ollie. i used to be able to. maybe someday. i talked to andres and that kid is so confusing. but its ok. so im not going to be talking to him. and im pretty sure he's going to go to grace from now on instead. and i dont know.. but i think brett is gonna be in town soon... or really soon actually. cuz i read a post that said he'd see the person he was posting to in a couple days.. and that was a couple days ago.. so im thinking he's here.. unless he's like jade who said "a couple days" an really meant 7 days.. which is not even close to a couple.. anyways... im rambling now. after that sal called and was bored. i love how sal says "lets hang out now" and then we end up hanging out like 1-2 hours later. haha. but yeah we went to cody's which was weird. cuz thats where brett stays when he's in town. and so i asked sal to call cody and ask if brett was there first. and he wasnt so we went and i dunno.. it was weird being in cody's house.. cuz the only times im in his house.. well.. 90% of the time it's been with brett. and it was weirdness. but yeah we watched friends and started to watch house of wax but the copy sal had was a bootleg and the quality sucked like crazy. grr. especially when the camera guy moved. haha. i was falling asleep anyways. i dont like paris hilton. so we left there and came to my house and my brother was watching a movie and sal stayed to watch it and my back was throbbing in utter (hehe utters) pain.. so my mom got this deep heating stuff and massaged my back.. it felt ok when it didnt hurt. and then she put a heating pack on it mmmm. i kinda just left sal downstairs and plopped on manuels bed.. then sean said bianca wanted to talk to him. heh. so i read my bible. ha. and thought. and then i was bored. no. more like anxious. maybe both. so i was drawing and now my arms are sore. lol im falling apart. so i dunno.. i guess theyve been talking since i left.. sean.. and bianca. like an hour or 2ish.. i dunno.. anyways that's a pooey topic. sooooooooo in other news...
darn it.. i dont have "other" news. none. none at all. that's sad.
my cousin sneezed.