[1648] Wishy Washy

So last night was pretty fun. Got to hang out with Casey. We went to this place in Santa Monica called World Cafe and got foodz and then met with his coworker Eric. Eric is making an animated tv pilot and casey is going to be doing voice over for one of the characters. and I'm going to create the website. Not a lot of people showed up but i like it better that way. I was kinda unsure about going without Tim when i was thinking it was a bigger group.

My back still hurts.

We got our new dishwasher today. Timmy is installing it himself. He went to home depot to get some things. The stupid guys sold us an oppened bag of stuff and there were no fittings in it.

I found this awesome job on craigslist. Its for a video game magazine and its somewhat closer too. That would be nice.

Tim's home. Imma go see if he wants to take a break and watch Dexter.

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