I... cut my hair :}
as you might have guessed by the title...
i keep trying not to like it but i actually do.. i remember the last time i went from really long hair to short hair.. it was a little overwhelming because i had a huge attachment to my hair. but this time it was easy.. maybe because it wasn't very long anyways. its not exactly how i want it and its all uneven because i did it alone, in the bathroom with the weird mirrors.. but i needed a break. Timmy said he doesn't know how i did it by myself. and that its sexy. puh yeah it is lol.. maybe.. its definitely an improvement.. and a lot more low maintenance.. i was getting really sick of long hair and it always being in my face. i don't think its as sexy as it should be yet.. oh but it will be... when i feel like fixing it. its all bulky at the bottom. and i want the bottom to be the thinnest part. and the back isn't as short as i wanted it. but only by like half an inch. and the front isn't as long as i wanted because when i first started cutting i was doing layers and decided i didn't like it.. so basically its just the shape or idea of what i want and i might just go to a salon and have them style it. but where's the fun in that? and as always they'd probably just ruin it.
Oh and yeah....!!!! I'm so angry right now.. When we were planning our wedding, one of the things we wanted to do but probably wouldn't have ended up happening but was still a nice idea... was to play a song together. Timmy on guitar me on drums and maybe someone singing and bass. and the best part was that i would be in a wedding dress. But then I'm watching Gilmore Girls the other day because I'm kinda gay.. and its an episode I've never seen which is weird because there aren't many i haven't seen. and freaking Lane is getting married and what does she doooo???? Freaking plays drums on her wedding day IN a wedding dress. ugh. i knew she was a drummer and they were getting married but i didn't think they'd do that.. and now if we ever did do that or had done it.. people would have thought i got it from there.. but i didn't. erg. its just like the moldy peaches song "Anyone else but you" i picked that song out for our wedding music like 5 months before the movie Juno came out.. and now EVERYONE is obsessed with it.. actually everyone is over it because it was overplayed so everyone hates it now. jerks. but anyways.. about the drums thing... at least it was an ugly dress, a crappy song, and Timmy is cuter than Zack.... so... theres that. and the whole fictional characters thing.
we ate at pick up stix tonight. ew.. it was weird.. that the last time we venture from panda. or at least for a while. bleh.. it was ok at first too.. but the after taste.. uhg. and i feel a little queasy. Timmy felt weird too.
i took a nap when i got home. i wanted to cuddle but Timmy wasn't in a nap mood. which is weird since he usually always is. and i am usually always not but i was so tired for some reason. strange since i did barely anything all day. i cleaned a lot. what else? nope.. nothing. he played bad company while i napped for an hour. then we played halo with these guys we met in Alaska. I've mostly made guy friends on halo. mostly meaning all except one. its just easier to talk to guys i guess... and they aren't so hostile. every time i play with a girl it seems like that have such an attitude and call everyone a whore. especially if your a girl.. we played this one chick and we beat the crap out of her and i didn't do my best.. i had a headache today. and i got "i suck" and she's like "i agree". i looked at the score and i had more kills, less deaths and a higher k/d overall... and her team just lost.. i hate when people talk crap when they lose.. and then at the end of the night i was playing with one of the AK guys and we met this other girl and she was cool. she agreed that halo chicks are mean and stupid. i tried playing call of duty with John (another kid from Alaska) but i sucked. can't just jump into a game like that.. i need to at least know the controls. g's.
i think I'll read.
Before and after:

that's my hair so far.. not done yet. i look really red in the before pic.. or muted in the after.. hmmm not really sure actually...
o wow. i almost forgot the best part of the day. hadn't checked my job email in a few days. only got 2 replies. but one wasn't from one i sent my resume to, but they saw it on a website somewhere and contacted me because they think i would be a great candidate for a position they have.. they also said my resume was "impressive" haha.. yeah right.. but its nice someone thinks so.... anyways the job is a game designer/programmer :] how cool is that? i told Timmy, maybe us playing more games lately is a sign that this is the job.. i really don't want to speak to soon and i usually don't write about potential jobs seeing as so many don't come through.. but i feel good about this one. especially since it was them who contacted me.. i really want this. how sexy would that be? actually i've been thinking it was video games this whole time but it might be computer games. either way, beyond awesome. when i first started college i wanted to get into computer animation to make movies like Finding Nemo and such.. but then i changes and for a second i wanted to be a game developer... that quickly turned into graphic designer/web designer/developer but I've always thought it was cool. so they said to fill out an application and they'd set up an interview in a few days... cross your fingers, pray, wish on a star.. I NEED a job more than you know. I know it shouldn't be the top priority but i don't care. it is... i want to have money for Timmy's birthday this year. he deserves a nice birthday.
ok NOW I am going to read. bye.
My Spook is wonderful :] He's pretty old now like 13 :o I've had him from being a litlle blob haha!
I wish I could cut my own hair, it'd save me ridiculous amounts of money lol!
so true ;/