I'm a slow motion accident
I see it happening and can't do anything to stop it :[ i suck
but some good things happened today. made a nice dinner. we put a hold on the black and white kitty. she's ours now but we can't tak her home yet. maybe in a week or 2. We're gonna name her Penguin :]
i want to get extensions for my wedding. and then cut my hair REALLY short after. not really.. but short for me.. like how it was a few years ago. but i wanna grow my bangs out first. maybe. idk.
here are some ideas i have..
pretty flowerrs
cool idea.. simple but it works
i like this dress. is it weird? i like the bottom the top
probably wouldn't look good on me.
i like the top of this one but the bottom is awkward..
this is kinda what i want for the tables. but not so cramped and not so plain. the flowers are kinda meh and the branch thing needs to be bigger.. but close
anyways. time for bed