[1781] Duck Duck.. Goose?

One day I looked around my figurative self and realized I was surrounded.. i was living in a dynasty of ducks and i didn't even know it! This would have been a story of my literal self had I been in a Wal-Mart.

I've discovered I must be THE one Christian in the world who does NOT watch the Duck Dynasty. I'm sure its a great show.. for some reason… but I don't like it… I tried a couple times and it was so terribly boring I wanted to punch a hole in my face crawl inside and die. And possibly because I like ducks more than beards..

Anyways.. as I have seen so freaking much of Phil something or other said this and that all over my feed and the internet and in smoke signals in the sky... I decided to see what exactly this guy said. Apparently he said being gay is a sin. And listed it with a bunch of other sins.. k. I don't see why this is cause for such commotion. I mean he didn't just say this all nimbly bimbly... he was asked a question and gave his honest opinion. I don't see why people are getting so worked up… the gay+ community made and continues to make a fuss about their opinions.

I personally think both sides are stupid - and as a Christian I think its Christians who are being just a little more stupid. And I would probably get boos from both sides but I don't hate anyone here I just think they [read: everybody] need to shut up and like get over themselves.

[Certain] Gays are stupid for getting mad at opposing opinions… isn't that what you were fighting for? The freedom to have an opinion? Or did you want to limit that just to fit your own needs? I'd like to think not all gays are that self absorbed. In fact I know they aren't because I know many who are a lot better people than some of the Christians I've known.

And [certain] Christians are stupid for being so narrow minded. So what that the bible says homosexuality is a sin... It says a lot of things are a sin but I'm sure a lot of the Christians pointing the finger at gays are not perfect. The bible says all sin is the same in Gods eyes. So what you saw your gay neighbor being gay. He saw you cheating on your wife, or being disrespectful to your parents or flipping off that guy who cut you off, and HATING him, a child of God, for being gay. The bible says GOD will judge sin.. that's not our job. Why are Christians so concerned about these strangers going to heaven or hell.. yes the later is tragic but you cannot save everyone and there are BETTER WAYS to go about it. Try loving people. Start with gays. And if you hate them so much that isn't an excuse either.. the bible says love your enemy. I don't get all these Christians quoting the bible and leaving that bit out. Gods word is LOVE, thats it. That should be number one.

The above rant on Christians isn't directed at the Phil guy for what he said... I think he should be allowed to have an opinion. But he should have been a little smarter in his delivery. Easier said than done most of the time. This is directed at all the bloody comments supporting him with HATE. I think it was stupid for whatever network they are on.. i dont even remember as, again, I dont watch the show.. but i think it was ridiculous for them to suspend him from the show. Peoples anger shouldn't be about Christian vs homosexuals etc.. they should be outraged that we aren't able to speak our minds. Especially about things like this that I'm sure for a guy as old as this dude takes some getting used to.But again, he wasn't slandering gays and calling them names or telling people to rally up and destroy them all.. he simply stated he doesn't get it based on a belief system he's had his whole life. Based on a book written by disciples of God telling him it is a sin. A book this country supported in the beginning but that is fading further into history every day.

Everyone needs to calm the heck down. You're both wrong. Just have your opinions. Be who you want. Worry about where YOU are going here on earth and after and not everyone else's fate. Its THEIRS not yours.

When I vote I will vote for gays to be able to get married. Not because I don't consider it a sin.. I do. But they should be able to excersie their free will as I do.


Be a Christian AND be loving towards homosexuals and transgenders etc.

Be homosexual AND understanding that in order for people to accept your beliefs you must also give them room to have their own.


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